Unlock coin features in minutes
Pungo offers the best value model for crypto communities so everyone benefits from a dedicated infrastructure and advanced trading abilities...and much more to come
A simple daily price
Unlock features just by keeping funded days balance in your favourite coins$2 / day
Dedicated servers
Coins with dedicated servers for improved performance> 90 days balance
- High availability servers
- Push notifications updates to community
Swap feature
Enable swap module for the community allowing anyone to trade easily> 180 days balance
- High availability servers
- Push notifications updates to community
- Swap against 4 main pairs
Unlock features now!
- Find the coin you like in the list
- Send any amount to the Funding address
- Congrats, you are done. Left days are updated every 3h automatically.
- Once a coin reaches 90 funded days, DEDICATED SERVERS will be enabled
- To enable swap feature a coin needs to have and keep at least 180 days of funding.
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